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Mussels in Shells

Mussels are marine bivalve shellfish. They are rich in copper, sodium, cobalt, iodine, manganese, zinc, vitamins PP, B1, B6, B2, E, D, and many essential amino acids. They contain a lot of highly digestible protein and fats. Mussel meat improves metabolism, it can prevent inflammatory processes and improve brain function due to polyunsaturated fatty acids

Mussels in Shells

The countryChile
Cut typeshell-on (mussels)
SegmentHoreca distributor
Size range40/60
Freezing typeВ вакууме
Delivered by seaDelivered by sea
with temperature control
The product freezingThe product freezing
allows to preserve the tastiness and concumer appeal
Strict controlStrict control
allows to monitor the quality at the time of acceptance